
Moms Pumpkin Soup 1st Anniversary

OMG!! I was not aware that Moms Pumpkin Soup has marked its one-year anniversary! Moms Pumpkin Soup had a skin and layout change early this week, which I did purely because I thought I will give this blog a brighter and more attractive exterior. Not for any other reasons. But now, I realize that 'something' inside me encouraged me to do those changes and it’s for a reason, for Moms Pumpkin Soup 1st Anniversary!! ;)

Well, it’s actually on 1 February 2008 when I first created a new and my first blog in my life, wrote my first post with title "Never regret a day in your life".

Good days give you happiness;
Bad days give you experiences;
Both are essential to life.

A lot of new experiences I have been learning from these wonderful quotes that I read and posted, they inspired me so much during my good and bad days. Yes, they are absolutely essential parts to my life…

This site has honestly been an absolute delight to write and made more so by you guys, thanks to all of the busy people who have viewed and taken the time to browse this blog, especially those who leave comments (come on you lurkers - why not say hi!).

Thanks a lot everyone!

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